Social Calls & Confusing Non-Bat Sounds

Social Calls & Confusing Non-Bat Sounds

Online Learning

In Your Own Time, At Your Own Pace

This online training course caters for those carrying out sound analysis within Britain & Ireland, who wish to know more about bat social calls, as well as ‘other sounds’ that may confuse them, or be of interest, during their analysis.

This course can be taken as well as, or separate to, our Certificate of Bat Acoustics Analysis course.

What Is The Process?

  • You have 9 months to complete the training programme
  • Progress through 11 modules (>12 hours of material)
  • Covers sound analysis of Full Spectrum (FS) recordings
  • British Isles Bat Species (18) Small Terrestrial Mammal Species (13)
  • Additional confusing sounds & problem solving also covered
  • Any queries – ‘Ask Us Anytime’
  • Having worked through the modules, collect your Certificate of Completion (note: there is no graded assessment)
  • Click here for advice regarding suitable software packages to use in conjunction with this course

Important Notes:

  • If you are signing up a delegate other than yourself, then please use the delegate’s details/email address as opposed to your own
  • If you are signing up numerous delegates (e.g. on behalf of a business), please register each delegate separately using their details/email address
  • If you require a VAT receipt for any transaction, this can be provided easily, just email your request along with the delegate(s) name(s) to

*Established BatAbility Club members apply for discount coupon here  

*Applicable to members on an Annual Payment plan, or a Monthly Payment plan where at least 6 months have passed since date of joining.